Well Done

After ten years of digital music composition and production, and foraging through Classic Rock, Early R&B, Blues and Country music I was familiar with from my years as a drummer and bandleader, I evolved into what I call Americana Funk which is a combination of riffs and licks from those old tunes that I wrap up in Contemporary Soul Jazz. The result is unique with a touch of a retro yet familiar "sound".

Pitter Patter
Rock - Americana
Plays: 8
Come South With Me
Rock - Funk
Plays: 74
Holding Hands, Tapping Toes
Rock - Americana
Plays: 3
Well Done
Rock - Americana
Plays: 66
Tequila With a Beer Back
Rock - Americana
Plays: 5
Slippery Slope
Rock - Americana
Plays: 2
Easy Breezy
Rock - Americana
Plays: 7
Throwback Blues Men
Rock - Americana
Plays: 43
Met Her In Scottsdale
Rock - Americana
Plays: 4
He's Stringin' You Along
Rock - Americana
Plays: 2
A Little Funky Jazz
Rock - Funk
Plays: 9
Shake Down
Country - Americana
Plays: 40

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Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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