The latest and fourth CD of original music from the Norristown based Ken Battista Band is by far their most adventurous, energetic and edgy album to date. GGW is a much closer representation to the KBB live performance than previous releases. All four band members are featured vocally. Guitarist, Juan Kamuca gets things rolling right out of the shoot singing the driving, in your face, horn laced title track, “Girl Gone Wild”. KBB Diva, Anna Silvestera follows up with the soulful Amy Winehouse inspired “Safeword”. Ken sings the British Invasion flavored “Sleep On It” and the “Police-ish”, “If I Knew Then”. Drummer Dave Ross is featured on track 4 singing a blue-eyed soul rendition of Ken’s “Love and Learn”. Battista’s salute to Santana is evident in the slammin’ instrumental “Mi Faccia Vedere”, complete with jamming Latin percussion, Organ, Horns, screaming Guitar, and slapping Bass. Old school Fusion at it’s best. Plenty more highlights on this new CD include a remix of “Red Carpet” (from the “Forget To Remember” CD), “Everything” a soulful ballad featuring Anna and the pure funk and horns of “Feed The Need”. Thanks to our good friends and special guest musicians who enthusiastically contributed their talents to our newest release… Tony Vattimo- Keyboards on “Everything” Chris Maute- Bass on “Mi Faccia Vedere” Visit the KBB website for an exclusive look and listen to our newest CD release…

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