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In the early months of 2008, Ugly Orwell began to lose it. This, in its striking resemblance to the plague that befell August a year earlier, was making for an alarming trend. Wisconsin was a thing of the past by now. August had moved to Harlem, Ugly to Tampa... both in pursuit of dreams that didn't seem to matter. "Strange Passengers" seemed a million miles away, until a single moment provided the inspiration for a different type of project. August was drunk, bundled up nicely in the third row of a since-imploded Shea Stadium... and Ugly was nursing a nosebleed at an airport bar. Through the drizzle, August saw the text: "It's over. I'm drunk at a fucking airport... I don't know where I'm going." The answer, which came half a year (and half a dozen medications) later, was Brooklyn. The group that once referred to themselves simply as "Horton and August" had taken on a more accurate persona- donning the name "Bi-Polar Bear" in response to the events that preceded this second reunion. In the winter months leading into 2009, "Today I Found Happy" came from the depths of a darkness that neither artist ever wants to see again.