My Mama's Way

Story Behind The Song

Tribute to my mom... She wanted to hear "her song" so she could "take it with her" when she died... She is still with us and will be for a very long time... She told me she didn't want to miss out on hearing her song...

Song Description

A tribute to mom's everywhere...

Song Length 3:36 Genre Country - Americana, Country - Americana
Tempo Very Slow (Under 70) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Endearing Subject Mother
Similar Artists Blake Shelton Language English
Era 2000 and later


My Momma's Way

She was there when I first opened my eyes
she worked so hard to give me life
so it began, this love every day
when I first felt my momma's way

I cried for broken bones and every dog I lost
I cried when broken hearts came at such a cost
she'd take me in her arms and keep my tears at bay
that's when I understood my momma's way

Now it's time for letting go
as much as I want her to stay
but she'll be with her man again and I know
I'll always have my momma's way


Life goes on, you always taught me so
There is no end to this love of yours I know

So now I'll sit and have a beer at our favorite place
And know that you forgave me all of my mistakes
I'll toast to life and know that you'd do the same
that's what I love about my momma's way...
that's what I love about my momma's way...

in my eyes... in my words
and now in silence, I know you'll hear me say
"I'll always take the roads along my momma's way"

lyrics by steven Arkley
©2012 suddenturn productions

Lyrics Steven Arkley Music a songsinc PROTrack
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Ashley Martin My Top Songs 3/5/2019

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