Hell I hate the formal reviews, but for Hank Thomas I will do one this year!
Quality bones to this quality song, simple, to the point lyrics, memorable chorus. Here are my thoughts for improvement: (and damn if i haven't listened at least 5 times before i took notes...and damn if I think you'll listen LOL... but here she goes)
--very nice guitar intro, and later as well
--this song rocks, nice rockin' country vibe that should be very sale-able.
--love the pre-chorus's
--very well conceived chorus, memorable--see note later.
--@ 1:21 you have those many nah nah nah nah's...through about 1:37. Those la la's and nah nah's etc in songs nowadays are used too much, they seem like "fillers", so that section SCREAMS for lyrics, screams for simple lyrics lines, yes lyrics instead of nah nah's (around the lyrics you already have, keep them...) This minor addition (with no note changes needed) would greatly improve this song. Now elsewhere you've used ooos, etc, and very well done--just that nah nah section...
So instead of the rapid fire nah nahs, rapid fire lyrics that say something would be much better here, help the meaning of the song, help the energy and feeling.
--Your 2nd chorus @ 2:00-ish really IMO needs to be PUMPED UP, add more energy to support this quality hook here--and to support your singer, who you are relying on too much--hell we know how great she is, but support her with a pumped up chorus 2nd time around and to make us really convinced how good this song is. How you might ask how, hell more instrumentation, and UP UP UP the true harmony support for her (her true harmony lines, not the repeat of her main vocal. AND UP THOSE HAND CLAPS!! This chorus screams to be more exciting, so when you come out of it, you've even achieved more meaning and "feel."
That's all I got, you would have got all 5's but because of the areas that I think need some attention, you didn't get all 5's...still a damn good song as always Hank!
High-energy, in-your-face pop country with a beat to get you dancing and a message to keep your hands off the girl!